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Building a story and a commercial from one photo
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Building a story and a commercial from one photo

We took on an exciting challenge for a travel company: could we create a compelling AI-generated video from just a single photo?

Technical challenges

Turns out, yes, we could! We brought the scene to life in a variety of ways: 

  • Adding new elements to the original photo with AI inpainting
  • Changing the time of day and lighting,
  • and even introducing motion and camera movement

The result? A dynamic visual story created entirely from one image.

Creative Challenges

But it wasn’t just about the tech. We wanted to prove that even the simplest input could tell a vivid story.

By starting again with a single photo, applying the inpainting, lighting, camera and motion techniques to the frame, and now adding a storyline, developing characters, and honing in on a focused, branded message, we turned that single photo into a compelling commercial.

We started with the following input photo:

And created:

Technically and creatively, this project showed that one image can indeed be the foundation for a powerful visual narrative.